Nearly all women love handbags and would do anything to acquire a luxury designer handbag. Whether it is Hermes, Chanel or Louis Vuitton, the market is red hot at the moment and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Trendsetter Katie Holmes recently divorced her husband Tom Cruise but still kept her designer gear and continues to show it off.
Luxury handbags are being sold all across the country for thousands of dollars with one Hermes Birkin bag setting a world record when it was auctioned for over $200,000. Companies are taking advantage of this demand and are setting up regular auctions online where the handbags normally go for around $2,000 each.
The waiting list for some of these bags is a driver in the price and the fashion houses know this. If people can get them from auctions then it makes them more accessible but still very exclusive. For more ideas take a look at this site.
Despite their high value, most customers are buying these handbags to actually wear rather than to have them as part of a collection. This is probably a good idea since fashion trends can change and some bags may not hold their value quite as well as others. Most women probably can’t resist the urge to show them off in public anyway.
Article by Eileen Sass who is a fashion expert and columnist who has also written articles at this site and this one.